Friday, December 6, 2013

The Reasons Why I Love Makeup ♥

It is inevitable for women to wear makeup. I think all female wore makeup even just once in their life. It feels like it is a must when we attend events. Makeup let us, women, look more presentable and beautiful. But remember, makeup doesn't make women beautiful. We are beautiful in our own way.

Different women have different reasons why they love makeup, and here are some of mine:

1. Once you have it, you cannot really stop using it.

I started wearing full on makeup when I stepped into college. When I was in high school, I only put on powder, just baby powder, and lip balm or a gloss. Nothing more, nothing less. As a freshman, I started wearing BB Cream, a little bit of blush, mascara, and lipstick for everyday. Then in my second year, I started to applied eyeliner instead of mascara. On my junior year, I started using both mascara and eyeliner. Then my full on makeup started in my last year in college. I sometimes wore eyeshadows in my fourth year and I also learned how to contour. It was just earlier this year when I learned how o fill in my brows and started loving it. My brows are healthy enough and does not have scarce so I thought I didn't need to, but it completes the over all look.

Now, I can't stop wearing makeup and can't really go out when I don't have any makeup on. Even just a concealer, brows and lipstick, I am good to go.

2. Makeup boost my confidence
I know that makeup is just a matter and it cannot really change my attitude but when I have makeup on it feels that I am ready to conquer the world. I am a bit shy type of person but makeup gives me self-confidence and self-esteem. It feels like I feel beautiful with makeup on and I can make any guy turn there heads. And that is just an exaggeration.

Makeup means confidence. See more quotes when you click!

3. Makeup shopping is my stress reliever.
Since my love for makeup goes deeper and deeper, I feel that I need to have more. Before I only have one of each, but now I want to buy every single shade, type and brand. I wanted to try out different type of makeup that suits my skin tone and type. I am not rich, I do budget what I should buy and what not to. I check for reviews if makeup are really worth the hype or not.

It is my stress reliever. I do makeup shopping whenever I am sad, upset, stressed and down. It makes me happy and jumpy. Trying out other brands and new products just automatically pops out a smile on my face. I am a makeup enthusiast and I just want to have more in my collection.
SO TRUE hahaha

4. An aspiring makeup artist.
My love for makeup grew that I want to become a makeup artist. I used to do some of my friends makeup when we were in college, and I do my sisters makeup when she has an event to attend. This leads to my love of applying makeup to other people.
I am now going to enroll to makeup school to be a professional or a freelance makeup artist. I really want to do that and I think I will grow in that field. It is what I do now and I love it.

Rimmel London words to live by: #Makeup is my art. #beauty #quotes

5. I love playing with colors.
Makeup is like a paint and the face is the canvas. I used to be a part of an art club when I was in high school. I did painting and love to blend colors. I am not good at drawing, though. Colors makes me happy and mixing them are my ecstasy. Makeup brings life to the face. It enhances the natural color our skin has. I love how makeup brightens up the face.

#ilovemakeup #quote

Those are some of the reasons why I love makeup. Bye for now. Remember that you are beautiful even without makeup. Cheers to the makeup enthusiast! ♥

Disclaimer: All photos in this blog post is not mine. All of those are from Pinterest.

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